My First CPAN Module
My First CPAN Module
By Marty Pauley (maokt) from
Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2009 10:25
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Beginning Perl
Tags: cpan module perl
I will briefly explain how to become a CPAN author, then demonstrate the common tasks that are required to build, upload, and maintain your modules.
Attended by: Patrick Michaud (Pm), Armando Reis (AReis), David H. Adler (dha), Marco Ramos (mramos), stigo, Jordi Porta, Nuno Jordão, oleber, Jose Neta (jpn), Oliver Thieke (o-thieke), Marcos Ramos (x), Mark Stewart, Stelios Gikas (sgikas), Rafael Antonio (RA), Alex Kapranoff (kappa), Diogo Antunes, Lech Baczyński (lechu), Farley Balasuriya (Questorian), Bogdan Lucaciu (zamolxes), Tiago Grego, Oskari Ojala (Okko), Manuel Gomes (wagemage), Paula Valenca (phantas), Hermen Lesscher (hermen), Adrian Arnautu, Darius Jokilehto, Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar), Carlos Pires (acmpires), Wieland Gmeiner, Lutz Gehlen, Bartosz Jakubski (migo), Alistair MacLeod (anm), Andrew Beech, Vincent Pit (vincent), Herbert Breunung (lichtkind),