Unix for Perl programmers: pipes and processes
Unix for Perl programmers: pipes and processes
By Aaron Crane (arc) from Edinburgh.pm, London.pm
Date: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 09:10
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Technical Perl
Tags: pipe process unix
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
Perl’s great at making easy things easy — hiding unnecessary complexity. Naturally, that applies to Unix programming, so that, for example, capturing the output from a shell command is trivial.
Unfortunately, you sometimes find yourself in a situation where Perl’s standard facilities aren’t quite enough. For example, what if you want to run multiple processes in parallel? What if you need to both pipe input to a process and capture its output?
Perl also makes hard things possible: it gives you unfettered access to Unix’s low-level APIs for dealing with these things — as long as you know how to use them.
This talk discusses how to use those low-level bits of Unix from your Perl programs, taking a cookbook-style approach to show how to use them for getting real work done.
Attended by: Andrey Shitov (ash), Dave Cross (davorg), Peter Stoehr, Martin Schipany (ElCondor), Damon Davison (allolex), Pedro Melo (melo), David H. Adler (dha), Armando Reis (AReis), Marcos Garcia (gulden), Marco Ramos (mramos), Markus Wichmann (telemorphix), Joel Bernstein (joel), Jordi Porta, Dirk De Nijs (ddn123456), Jose Neta (jpn), Roberto Henríquez, Jozef Kutej (jozef), Marcos Ramos (x), Olivier Mengué (dolmen), Sérgio Bernardino (smpb), Jorge Morgado, Mark Stewart, Jörg Plate (Patterner), Rafael Antonio (RA), Rafael Porres Molina, Marco Neves (themage), Abe Timmerman (abeltje), Jorge Bras, Stelios Gikas (sgikas), Aristotle, Stefan Hornburg (Racke), Frederico Martins, Sergio Arias, Henrik Hald Nørgaard, Jordi Delgado (jdelgado), Beatriz Nombela Escobar, Ricardo Marques (ricmarques), Darius Jokilehto, Adrian Arnautu, Tiago Grego, Cosmin Budrica (cosmincx), Manuel Gomes (wagemage), Troels Liebe Bentsen (tlbdk), Rui Patinha (rfp), Luís Mendes (big), Jose Plana, Bartosz Jakubski (migo), Søren Lund (slu), Diogo Antunes, MartijnVdS, Smylers, Carlos Pires (acmpires), BinGOs,