

By Yuval Kogman (‎nothingmuch‎)
Date: Monday, 3 August 2009 16:20
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Corporate Perl
Tags: db kiokudb meta moose oo oodbms persistence rdbms storage

KiokuDB is a new persistence framework for Perl supporting transparent persistence of object graphs in a number of backends.

KiokuDB is to document/blob oriented storage what DBIx::Class is to relational databases.

This talk will introduce KiokuDB, covering the basics like storing and fetching your objects, indexing and searching, and a little bit on what's happening behind the scenes

Attended by: Luciano Rocha (‎Strange‎), Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎), Pedro Rodrigues (‎careca‎), Filipe Moreira, Aristotle, Stan Sawa, BinGOs, Leon Brocard (‎acme‎), James Laver (‎jjl‎), Bartosz Jakubski (‎migo‎), Markus Förster, Drew Taylor (‎drewbie‎), Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎), Christian Westgaard (‎ComLock‎), Oskari Ojala (‎Okko‎), Ruslan Zakirov (‎ruz‎), Chia-liang Kao (‎clkao‎), Alistair MacLeod (‎anm‎), Sebastian Willert, Braceta, Tobias Henoeckl (‎hoeni‎), Andreas Hetey, Pedro Melo (‎melo‎), David Leadbeater (‎dg‎),