YAPC Surveys
Three types of surveys are available. All surveys require a keycode login, which should be in your Inbox.
Every attendee will have been sent an email either from "YAPC::Europe 2009 Planning Committee" or "Barbie on behalf of YAPC::Europe 2009", with a subject of "YAPC::Europe 2009 Surveys - Your Keycode".
In the email is a URL unique to you, to the domain survey.yapc10.org, which includes a keycode in the path. This keycode automatically logs you into the website. The complete URL identifies you uniquely. so please don't pass on to anyone else, as they'll be taking surveys on your behalf!
The URL will look like:
http://survey.yapceurope2009.org/key/code/check digits
If you have any problems please find Barbie during the conference, or email barbie@cpan.org.
Survey Types
Talk Evaluations
Talk Evaluations are open to all, and can be taken for individual talks throughout the conference, and for several weeks after the conference too. Results will be sent to individual speakers only.
Course Evaluations
Course Evaluations are only open to those taking a particular course. Evaluations themselves are the same as Talk Evaluations and will be mailed to individual speakers only.
YAPC Conference Survey
This is the core survey, which will be opened at the end of the conference, and will remain open for several weeks. If you choose not to take the Talk or Course Evaluations, please do take the time to complete this one.
Results from the main survey will be published on the YAPC Conference Surveys website - http://yapc-surveys.org. Please take a look at the website to see the results of previous surveys.
Results of the Course and Talk Evaluation surveys will NOT be made public, and will be sent to the respective speakers only. Note that all results sent to speakers will be anonymous, unless you explicitly identify yourself in the feedback.
Last modified: 29/07/09 15:15 by Barbie
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