Announcing: Ticket prices

08/07/08 13:29 by Lars Thegler (‎tagg‎)

Finally, enough of the flying stuff has landed that we can actually announce the prices of the tickets for YAPC::Europe 2008.

We'll have three distinct price options:

  • Regular price, 900 DKK (about 120 EUR). This is you normal, everyday, attendee price.
  • Student price, 600 DKK (about 80 EUR). This is the cheap-o student price. We'll ask you to show your student card, if your clothing does not already give it away.
  • Business price, 1800 DKK (about 240 EUR). This is the glitzy corporate price, for the discerning business attendee.

So, what do I get for this price?

Well, you'll get three day's worth of excellent talks, by the brightest Perl people out there.

Plus, there will be a boxed lunch and refreshments every day.

And last, but not least, participation in the traditional Attendees Dinner, on Thurday evening.

We'll be opening for actual payment just as soon as we get the last technical hurdles out of the way, hopefully really, really soon now!