Understanding Malware

Understanding Malware

By Barbie from Birmingham.pm
Date: Thursday, 14 August 2008 10:40
Duration: 60 minutes
Tags: email filter

In the early days of computing, networks and servers were left more or less open to anyone, as everyone looked after the machines they used, never maliciously doing any damage. Then someone decided that it would be "fun" to try and break things. Today there are hundreds of thousands of malware threats, many of which now borne over email. This talk looks at the many different types of malware (including virus, spam and phishing) and provides some clues to help those of a more technical nature, wishing to filter and stop these threats reaching their inboxes.

Attended by: BinGOs, Lars Thegler (‎tagg‎), Jason Tang (‎jason‎), Barbie, Bartosz Jakubski (‎migo‎), Stéphane Payrard (‎cognominal‎), Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎), Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Damian Conway (‎damian‎), Sune Tougaard-Andersen (‎ofweb.dk‎), Rune Mydske Nielsen (‎runeni‎), Anatoliy Dmytriyev (‎tolid‎), Arne Sommer (‎Arne‎), Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎), Nicholas Clark,