Send-a-newbie is sending three newbies to YAPC
05/07/09 13:01 by José Castro (cog)
Edmund writes:
First, a quick recap: the Send-a-Newbie program is meant to help people go to YAPC who have never been to a YAPC before, are unable to do so by their own means and already involved in some way in the Perl community.Applications were submitted, questions were asked, answers were given, difficult choices made and we now have our lucky YAPC Newbies.
We're delighted to announce that we will be sending the following three to YAPC in Lisbon:
Alan: Based in India, started using Perl about a year and a half ago. Since then, he's contributed to several CPAN modules, released WWW::Rapidshare::Free and is currently working on the TPF grant "Fixing Bugs in the Archive::Zip Perl Module". He's never been to any meetings of the Perl community.
Alistair: Based in Scotland, has just finished university, started using Perl for creating his websites and performing several small tasks. When choosing a placement (for his degree) he chose a Perl shop in London, and became part of
Rosellyne: Based in England, self-funded university student. Also a grant manager for TPF (past four years), member of and active on PerlMonks. Keen to meet people she's worked with for years.
There were other great applications that we will not be able to send. Hopefully they'll be able to attend a future YAPC.
All of this is possible due to the lovely people who have donated and helped. It's been a great demonstration of the community that has formed around Perl. Thanks also to the YAPC::EU organizers who have been supportive of this project right from the start.
Thank you to all involved and see you all at YAPC::EU::2009!
We're all very happy for the success of this initiative.