FAQ :: Travel

Q: What's the airport I need to fly to?

A: You're looking to fly to LIS (aka Portela Airport).

Q: I'm booking my flights. When should I arrive and when should I depart?

A: If you're only coming for the talks, you should arrive on Sunday 2nd and depart on Thursday 6th. If you want to be at the training course during the weekend before YAPC (August 1st and 2nd) you should arrive on July 31st. If you want to be at one of the training courses taking place right after YAPC, the EPO workshop and/or the Hackathon, you should depart on Saturday 8th.

Q: I booked my flights. What about accommodation? Do you have any recommendations?

A: Yes, we do. Check out accommodation suggestions and see who is staying where.

Q: I'm staying at the Radisson hotel. Judging from the map, the airport seems pretty close. Would it be possible to simply walk there?

A: Now that you mention the obvious, yes, it is possible. Do remember to factor in the fact that it's August (which means it's hot) and that you're probably carrying luggage, but yes, it is doable.

version 5 saved on 29/07/09 19:37 by José Castro (‎cog‎)

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