Below you'll find a list with some of the items available on the Live Auction.

The auction takes place on the last day of the conference, in the afternoon, on the main room.

(please check with the organizers before adding items to this page)


Work-out with Damian Conway at the next YAPC

Description: three morning work-outs with Damian during the next YAPC event that the winner and he both attend.


  • Apart from having Damian organizing our training and seeing Damian work out, which is an experience by itself, we also got to learn things like why are orangutans stronger then men, why are the muscles on our shoulders located where they are, and I learn that I'm a mesomorph, and all the implications that has when it comes to training -- José Castro (‎cog‎)

See Also

version 4 saved on 02/08/09 10:46 by José Castro (‎cog‎)

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