IPW 2011 - Call for Papers

To suggest a talk, please use the web interface. All proposals must be submitted by June 20th, 2011 August 1st, 2011.

This year's theme for the workshop is Two Perls, which wants to put relevance both on Perl 5 and Perl 6. The topic is, however, just a loose guideline: any Perl-related topic will be fine. Some interesting topics could be:

If you send a proposal, please fill in as much information as possible about yourself in your profile, after having registered.

As for past editions, an introductory course to Perl is already scheduled.

How to submit a talk

If you want to give a talk, please use the web interface to send your proposal.

Here you can find some useful hints on how to fill the web form:

Filling these fields properly will help the organizers to have a detailed idea about the content of your talk.

If you have slides or other material related to your talk that you wish to be published, we kindly ask you to send it to us as soon as possible.

Talk durations

You can choose between 4 different durations:

We will send out acceptance notices for talks by July 1st, 2011 August 10th, 2011. It is however possible that talks will be accepted when the CfP is still open, also in order to make a partial schedule available to potential attendees.

Dates summary

August 1st, 2011:
Proposals submission deadline
August 10th, 2011:
Talk proposals acceptance notices
September 8th, 2011:
Workshop starts

Diamond Sponsors

Dipartimento di Informatica dell'Università di Torino

Gold Sponsors

Smart Open Software

Silver Sponsors

Seeweb Booking.com 2ndQuadrant Netlogica


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