Haskell in the Real World

Haskell in the Real World

By osfameron from Italia.pm,London.pm,NorthWestEngland.pm,Edinburgh.pm
Date: Thursday, 8 September 2011 15:20
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: fp haskell

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

A short talk on what makes Functional Programming - and especially Haskell - different.

We'll take a quick overview of Haskell's features and coding style, and then work through a short but complete example of using it for a Real World problem.

Attended by: Emanuele Zeppieri (‎emazep‎), Ferruccio Zamuner (‎ferz‎), Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎), Michele Beltrame (‎arthas‎), Gabriele Hack (‎gabimuc‎), Antonio Soro, Luciana Trubian, Damien Krotkine (‎dams‎), Luca Ferreri, Cerbero,

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