List of talks tagged perl

Submitted talks: 9
Accepted talks: 9

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎Perl 6 data structures‎ 80 minutes English 09/09/11 12:20
Guido Brugnara (‎gdo‎) ‎Perl SCADA & Dojo HMI‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
40 minutes Italiano 08/09/11 11:50
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) ‎The State of the Acmeism‎ 40 minutes English 09/09/11 09:50
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) ‎ActiveState, Perl and the Cloud‎ 20 minutes English 08/09/11 17:20
Damien Krotkine (‎dams‎) ‎Curses::Toolkit - modern toolkit for old-school GUIs‎ 40 minutes English 09/09/11 15:20
Damien Krotkine (‎dams‎) ‎Introduction to Dancer‎ 40 minutes English 09/09/11 10:40
Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎) ‎What's new in Perl 5.14‎ 20 minutes English 09/09/11 11:50
Ferruccio Zamuner (‎ferz‎) ‎Tavola rotonda su 'Perl, realtà commerciali e produttive'‎ 40 minutes Italiano 08/09/11 17:20
Andrea Guzzo ‎Perché Perl-XS‎ lightning Italiano  

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