Other FAQs
Q: I booked my flights. What about accommodation? Do you have any recommendations?
A: Yes, we do. Check out accommodation suggestions and see who is staying where.
Q: I have a question that is not addressed in the page. Where can I send it?
A: You can reach the organizers at organizers at yapceurope2009 dot org.
Q: I paid my YAPC ticket, but I haven't received anything other than a three-line email telling me I've paid. Is it possible to receive a real bill for this purchase?
A: Yes. All you need to do is fill in the Full Address and VAT code (and probably company name) in your profile. By default, we will give you the invoice in paper at the conference. If you need it before, please drop us an email.
Last modified: 31/05/09 23:14 by José Castro (cog)
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