App::Mypp - a zero-conf alternative to dist-zilla
App::Mypp - a zero-conf alternative to dist-zilla
By Jan Henning Thorsen (batman) from Milton
Lightning talk
Target audience: Any
Language: English
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
App::Mypp - a zero-conf alternative to dist-zilla
So what is "my-pee-pee"? It stands for "maintain your perl project", and is a script which can manage, package and release your project. It is a zeroconf alternative to Dist::Zilla.
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Attended by: Alan Haggai Alavi (alanhaggai), James Mastros (theorbtwo), BinGOs, Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim), Jan Henning Thorsen (batman), Olivier Mengué (dolmen),