Post-YAPC Contest!
02/09/10 14:45 by peppe
Almost a month has gone by since YAPC::Europe 2010...
You thought all the fun was over? Not at all! Remember the handy booklet we gave you? It contained very valuable information about the conference, as well as some nice Italian recipes!
Since we have some leftovers from the YAPC auction, we decided to open a Cooking contest to assign them! Hooray!
The rules are very simple:
- Take one of the recipes from the YAPC::Europe booklet, namely: Ragù alla Genovese, Melanzane alla parmigiana, Bruschetta, Cozze gratinate... and cook it at your best!
- Take some photos (and/or videos and/or any other material) of your dish, of the preparation, of yourself after eating it, etc. Don't be shy, the more you document your chef d'oeuvre, the better!
- If you miss some ingredients, don't worry, get creative! Changes to the recipes are allowed and encouraged!
- Deadline for submissions is September, 19th at 23:59 CEST.
We, the YAPC::Europe 2010 organizers, will judge the best submission based on our judgement of your interpretation of the recipe, creativity and presentation. We would really love to taste your cooking, but unfortunately this isn't viable, so we'll just have to trust your words about how well it went!
Judge's decision is at our sole discretion, and is final! The competition is not open to YAPC::EU::2010 organizers.
The top 3 contestants will get a free 1-year VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting with pair Networks as follows:
- 1st place: pair VQS-3 (market value of 2200$)
- 2nd place: pair VQS-2 (market value of 1600$)
- 3rd place: pair VQS-1 (market value of 1000$)
Attendee's guide available for download
29/08/10 01:00 by peppe
The title says it all. Grab it here.
MOAR, MOAR, MOAR videos!
29/08/10 00:37 by peppe
All videos[*] from YAPC::Europe 2010 are online, including the ones from the main room, and especially Larry Wall's keynote and the (in)famous forfeit show by the organizers.
You can find them on YouTube, Presenting Perl and YAPC::TV.
[*] Well, actually, we're still waiting for a few authorizations. This means that some other video may be published in the next days. Stay tuned!
Videos status update
23/08/10 18:39 by peppe
Some random updates about the long and tedious wonderful and exciting video transcoding process.
All available videos from the three small rooms were dumped from the SD cards, transcoded and uploaded on Presenting Perl, YAPC::TV and YouTube (oooh!). Notice that the videos available on each website are not the same, and many YouTube videos lack the description, etc.; these issues will be hopefully resolved in the next few hours.
But what does "available videos" mean? Well, we have a few videos we were not explicitely authorized to publish, but we do not know if the speakers just forgot to sign the authorization papers or they do not want us to publish the videos. We're contacting them and asking them what they want us to do. In case you want to authorize us, please write an email to us. :-) Moreover, we did not upload videos for which a good screencast was provided by the speakers, even if they authorized us (as of now, only Reini Urban's talk on The Perl Compiler, and Tim Bunce's talk about DBDI).
The sad news is that (unfortunately) some videos were lost due to the fact the camera wasn't (re)started after a break! :-(
The list of definitely lost talks (as of now) is:
- John Scoles - Intro to XS;
- Steffen Mueller - XS++ - Bonding Perl and C++ with minimal pain;
- Martin Berends - Perl 6 Database Interfacing;
Tim Bunce - DBDI: A Foundation For Database Access In Perl 6Tim Bunce managed to record a screencast! :-)
The videos from the main room, recorded on almost 25 nice mini-DV cassettes, are still waiting to be dumped due to a major hardware fault (my camera broke!). I hope to get a replacement as soon as possible, then I'll start dumping, transcoding and uploading them. In the meanwhile, enjoy the already uploaded videos ;-)
Even more on Video recording: thanks to Dijkmat, ModuleBuilder... and to emi and peppe!
10/08/10 16:04 by Michele Beltrame (arthas)
After our last thank yous about video recording help, we'd like to thank yet more lovely people that helped video recording happen this year!
- Wendy and Liz from Dijkmat BV brought along a video camera, yay!
- Dirk de Nijs from ModuleBuilder also brought along a camera, thanks Dirk!
- Emiliano Bruni spent a large part of the conference looking after the camera in the main auditorium!
- And peppe will soon be transcoding, chopping, and uploading video from all the cameras... we have already contacted local psychoanalysts to prepare him for his inevitable nervous breakdown ;-)
We'll try to keep you up to date with where we are on video editing soon.
Radio YAPC: episode 3
09/08/10 16:13 by Michele Beltrame (arthas)
At last! Episode 3 of Radio YAPC is out. This is on a temporary server provided by joel++. Yes, that's right! Not only has joel composed the fantastic Radio YAPC tune, but he's also stepped in while our main web-server has a little nap. (Normal service will be resumed shortly ;-) Everything OK on the server now, yay!
Here's what you can look forward to this time:
- Vox pops from the conference dinner
- Edmund von der Burg: Independent Internet Developer and Civic Activist
- Dog bites man
YAPC::EU::2010 media roundup
09/08/10 09:49 by Michele Beltrame (arthas)
Just because YAPC::EU::2010 finished on August 6th, doesn't mean that the work (or the fun!) is over. Oh no... now we'd like your help to make sure that as many people inside and outside the Perl community know just how much of a good time we had.
The "official" tag for tweets/photos/slides or any other taggable content is yapceu2010
- Please upload your images to Flickr
- Don't forget to tag your tweets
- Why not post links to your blog post, photos, slides too?
Uploaded Slides
Please let us know where you've uploaded your slides (as .pdf, .ppt, .html are best, but all formats welcome)!
- Update your talk on the conference website!
- Link on twitter (tagged #yapceu2010)
- Update the Uploaded Slides wikipage
- If you upload to Slideshare then please add your slides to the yapceurope-2010 event!
Press and Blogs
- If you've written a blog post, please update the Press and Blogs wikipage
- If you see someone else's blog post that isn't on the wiki, you can help us by updating with that too ;-)
Don't forget the Survey!
For all the above, we're obviously hoping to get nice, positive feedback, not just because we will cry if you didn't like it, but also because we'd like the outside world to see the good parts especially ;-)
That said, we need all the feedback we can get, to know how we could do things better, and so does next year's YAPC::EU::2011. So please fill in the survey that Barbie++ has already sent you! (If you attended, and didn't receive a link to the survey, then please contact the organizers or get in touch with Barbie.
Radio YAPC: episode 2
04/08/10 16:41 by Michele Beltrame (arthas)
Get your Episode 2 of Radio YAPC now!
This time:
- The pre-conference meet
- Larry's conscience
- Nestoria
- Tim Bunce
- Hello from the orgas: PolettiX and Dakkar
- Andrew Shitov
- and... who won the bid for YAPC::EU 2011?
Radio YAPC: episode 1
03/08/10 18:12 by Michele Beltrame (arthas)
Get episode 1 now with lots of exciting news from the day before the conference starts!:
- Hello from BooK!
- A from the pre-pre-conference meeting: Nigel, Arthas, Peppe
- An interview with Dave Rolsky (autarch) about Moose and Fey
- Smylers talks about mentoring new Perl programmers
- And acme introduces Perl 5.12 and the social
Hotel shuttle broke down
03/08/10 14:53 by Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar)
The hotel's shuttle broke down this afternoon. They're repairing it, but it won't be much use to get to the pre-conference meet. We'll try to get a few large taxis, be in the lobby around 6:30pm.
More on Video Recording: thanks to Foxtons and Shadowcat, and how YOU too can help!
01/08/10 23:53 by peppe
Want to see all the talks from YAPC::Europe 2010 recorded in glorious technicolour for posterity? So do we! But we're going to need a little bit of help.
Luckily, two fantastic Perl-supporting companies are helping us out:
Leo Lapworth from Foxtons is bringing along a video camera, and getting his team to record 2 half-day sessions. Thanks to Leo, Michael, and Francoise for their help! (We could still do with some operators for other sessions though!)
And Matt Trout from Shadowcat Systems is bringing a video camera too! Matt has gone to Great Personal Sacrifice to do this, so we really to find operators to make this worthwhile. Otherwise he will cry.
What do we need:
- a short commitment (maybe a half-day session) to sit in one room, and record the talks there. If you're not an expert, this will basically entail: setting it up, pointing it in the right direction, and learning how to press [REC]. An orga will help with this!
- stopping in breaks, and starting up again;
- changing the MiniDV tape when it runs out;
- write down what you've just recorded on the cassette's case;
- making sure the camera gets returned to us in one piece at the end of the day.
(If you're an expert, then you know what to do with it, and we'll just help out with making sure you have tapes and power sockets etc.!)
Please see also:
Last dinner seats available!
01/08/10 14:38 by peppe
We're running out of seats for the Attendees Dinner.
First of all, if you're already a committed user (that is, you bought your ticket, or you're a speaker or a sponsor), or you told us by mail that you're going to pay for your conference/dinner ticket by cash, then don't worry, your seat is reserved.
The remaining seats will be served in a First Come First Served fashion. So it's time to hurry up and buy your ticket.
Radio YAPC preview!
01/08/10 11:15 by Michele Beltrame (arthas)
Next week, Radio YAPC will be publishing podcasts about YAPC::EU as it happens. We'll be bringing you news from speakers, sponsors, and attendees about the best of the conference. To whet your appetite (and to discover just how bad we are at audio editing) here is a small taster, a preview from the Edinburgh perlmongers heretical meeting.
Thanks to Joel for the music! And please get in touch if you have any suggestions, or there's anything you'd like to here about on Radio YAPC.
Contacting the YAPC::Europe 2010 Organizers
31/07/10 13:02 by peppe
- The offline way: send an email to
- The online way: ping them on irc://
- The realtime way: for a good time, call +39 349 46 34 658 from August 2nd to 7th :-)
Looks like we have a winner... wait, no, TWO winners!
30/07/10 00:29 by peppe
Ladies and Gentlemen,
do you remember the free YAPC::Europe ticket kindly donated by Shadowcat Systems Ltd? We're glad to announce that Dotan Dimet won the ticket by answering all the questions correctly! Congratulations, Dotan!
Now, you're surely curious to know the correct answers. We said we wanted to make you sweat, and for sure you did :-) Here you have the correct answers to the questions:
- Giorgio Vasari; the walkway is the Vasari Corridor (ok, this one was pretty easy);
- "Lambda camels", but we would have accepted alternative spellings, as well as the singular form, i.e. the match was something like m/lambda[-\s]?camels?/i; we got some very creative typos here, from "labmdacamel" to "lambdabananacamel"!
- ... this was the tricky one: there's no such bridge in Europe! The drawing only resembles the Rialto Bridge in Venice, but for political reasons it doesn't depict any existing bridge. Almost all of you answered "Venice" here, probably because you read too fast this Wikipedia page; nevertheless, it clearly states the bridge is non-existent.
An honourable mention goes to Olivier Mengué who was actually the very first one to answer correctly, but he already bought his ticket so he was disqualified from the contest ;-)
So, congratulations to Dotan Dimet! But... we said two winners, not one. What's going on?
Exonetric decided to join the fun and gave away another free ticket (the third one)! Thank you very much, Exonetric!

Therefore, we decided to award this ticket to the second person who answered all questions correctly: N.I.! Congratulations!
That's all for this year. The quiz fairy will now retire in her Antarctic mansion, waiting for the next YAPC::Europe...
Velkommen to Danish newbies!
29/07/10 20:50 by peppe
And now another welcome message, this time for Danish newbies!
(Mongers leaders: want to say hello to attendees from your country? Let us know!)
Copenhagen Perl Mongers (CPH.PM) er et netværk af programmører med den ting tilfølles at de alle benytter Perl, i større eller mindre grad. Virker som omdrejningspunkt for en masse forskellige aktiviteter relaterede til programmering og især programmeringssproget Perl. er en del af community som de verdensdækkende Monger grupper udgør.
De aktiviterer som foreningen indtil videre har praktiseret og vil praktisere i fremtiden kan nævnes:
- Månedtlige møder
- Fælles tur til YAPC::Europe (fælles europæisk konference om Perl)
- Hack-a-thon (intensivt programmerings foretagende omkring fælles projekt)
- Årlig Perl Workshop
Derudover benyttes foreningens mailingliste, hjemmeside og IRC kanal flittigt til kommunikation omkring aktiviteter og Perl relaterede emner.
Copenhagen Perl Mongers er en broget flok som benytter foreningen til mange forskellige ting, der er plads til alle og man er kun så aktiv som man selv har lyst til.
Copenhagen Perl Mongers bliver drevet af frivillige for frivillige, og hvad der skal ske i foreningen bestemmes i fælleskab af de aktive medlemmer.
-- jonasbn
Eating @ YAPC::Europe (feat. Social Dinner)
29/07/10 20:41 by peppe
Social Dinner
The YAPC::Europe Attendees Dinner is going to be held on Wednesday at the Duomo Restaurant, Via Roma, 70 (map here, 2 minutes walking distance from the Leaning Tower), starting from 19:30 - 20:00. If you've already bought a ticket for the conference, or you're a speaker or a sponsor, then you don't need to buy a ticket for the dinner.
If a friend or a relative of yours wants to join you at the dinner, you can purchase an additional ticket for them here.
Please remember to bring your badge with you, as well as the badges for the people you bought an additional dinner ticket for (you will receive the badges at the registration booth): the restaurant staff has instructions to not allow anyone without his badge in. ;-) [*]
The YAPC::Europe organizers will be providing shuttle buses connecting the venue (My One Hotel Galilei) and the restaurant: see here for all the details.
[*] We're serious.
Many people asked us where they can eat lunch. We're glad to announce that the organizers will be offering free lunches to all the attendees, right at the venue!
Coffee breaks
The organizers will be providing legendary, free coffee breaks twice a day. We don't think that after a legendary coffee break you will ever need something else, but just in case, a nice bar is available at the venue during the conference. :-)
HÖ! HÖ! HÖ! Another free ticket!
28/07/10 14:51 by peppe
Update to add (Fri, 30 Jul 2010 01:00:09 +0200): we have a winner! Stay tuned for more info. :-)
Update to add (Thu, 29 Jul 2010 11:11:56 +0200): nobody has submitted the right answers yet. Try harder, and beware: tricky questions! ;-)
Looks like our little quizgame was as much fun for the participants as it was for the sponsors :-)
So Shadowcat Systems Ltd decided to join the fun and offers another free ticket for the conference attendance. Thank you very much, Shadowcat!

Some of you found the first quiz a bit on the easy side though... so this time we're going to make you sweat a little more for the prize!
The rules are the same: the first person (who hasn't already bought his/her ticket) who sends a mail to with the correct answers to all the questions will get free attendance to YAPC::Europe.
The questions are themed around bridges.
- Which architect and painter created a hidden walkway that runs across a bridge over Tuscany's greatest river?
- What word did Audrey Tang coin for people who program in both Haskell and Perl?
- In which famous European city can you visit the bridge depicted on the back of a 50€ banknote?
Happy quiz!
Guess the Name, Win a Free Ticket!
28/07/10 11:29 by peppe
Update to add (Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:58:27 +0200): Nicholas Clark won the free ticket, by sending us the right answer (which, by the way, was Jon Orwant). Thanks, everyone, for participating!
Haven't bought your YAPC::EU ticket yet? Then rejoice, because Oracle/MySQL is donating a free ticket to attend the conference. You read it right, that's a prize worth €100! Thank you, Oracle/MySQL!

To win your free ticket, however, you have to take part in a small quiz game. We love quiz games, don't we? :-)
So, here's the deal: the first person (who hasn't already bought his/her ticket) who sends a mail to with the correct answer to the following question will benefit free attendance to YAPC::EU.
... and the question is:
Back in the 16th century, the famous Pisan scientist Galileo Galilei discovered that if he dropped a coffee mug and a 55-pound weight from the Leaning Tower, they would fall at exactly the same speed.
But... who threw the infamous mug at the wall that sparked the birth of Perl6?
Be the first to send the correct answer and WIN A PRIZE!
Friends & Family program: details available
27/07/10 21:00 by peppe
We've just published the detailed schedule of our Friends & Family tours. If want to join them, purchase your ticket today! The deadline for the reservations is July, 31st August, 3rd.
- 09:45 AM meeting point at the «Fontana dei Putti» in Pisa, piazza dei Miracoli (angel's fountain near Leaning Tower, map here)
- 10:00 AM departure of the tour. You will visit the Duomo (inside), baptistery (inside), Camposanto (inside) and the Leaning Tower (from outside)
- 01:00 PM free time for lunch
- 02:30 PM with your guide, discover the city center of Pisa: Piazza dei Cavalieri with the «Scuola Normale» founded by Napoleone I, via di Borgo, the Lungarni and historical palaces, the Spina church... (only external views)
- 05:30 PM end of the tour
- 7:50 AM (bus leaves at 8:00 AM and does not wait) pickup at Pietrasantina car park (map here, walking distance from Piazza dei Miracoli and reachable via LAM rossa bus line (direction "S. Iacopo / Park Pietrasantina", bus stop "Park Pietrasantina", timetables here, map here, 0h20 min transfer from the railway station)
- 8:05 AM (bus leaves at 8:15 AM and does not wait) pickup at My One Hotel (the conference venue) and departure for Siena
- 10:00 AM with your guide, discover the town of Siena: walk along the narrow medieval streets, discover the beautiful buildings, and visit the Cathedral (inside) with Libreria Piccolomini. Tour will end at Piazza del Campo, one of the nicest places in the world!
- 01:00 PM free time for lunch
- 02:30 PM departure for San Gimignano, small medieval town famous for its towers, artistic treasures and wall paintings. Free time to discover the town.
- 04:00 PM departure for Pisa (about 1h30 travel time)
- 05:30 PM end of the tour
Night Miracles
- 09:45 PM pickup under the Leaning Tower. The tour schedule must remain a mystery :-)
Welcome to Spanish Newbies!
27/07/10 13:34 by peppe
We already passed on some welcome messages from some of the biggest groups attending YAPC::EU, and now here are some more!
Note to mongers leaders: if your group would like to introduce itself to newbies, please let us know!
Si es tu primera YAPC, no te preocupes!, puedes contactar con nosotros, estaremos encantados de presentarte al resto de mongers y ayudarte en todo lo que necesites.
Si és la teva primera YAPC no pateixis!, pots contactar amb nosaltres, estarem encantats de presentar-te a la resta de mongers i ajudar-te en tot el que necessitis.
- Diego Kupermans (líder de
- Alex Muntada (líder de
Video Recording @ YAPC::Europe — take two
25/07/10 23:51 by peppe
Leo Lapworth suggested recently that speakers should record their own talks.
Now that's a fantastic idea, because video recording and editing are a big PITAresponsibility. Some fantastic volunteers record talks at conferences and workshops and meetings, and some equally fantastic volunteers spend their valuable free time editing the raw sources into something pretty and posting it. But who's got the time and patience to record and edit a whole conference?
So, we've put a call for volunteers. If you have a video camera - whether it's a piece of pro kit, or one of those cute Flip thingies, and you can bring it with you, then we will love yo' long time. You can fill in a wiki page with your availability if you like!
But... what if you want to make sure that your talk gets recorded? Leo's suggestion wins here. Record it yourself, and you won't have to rely on one of the volunteers to do it!
Leo's suggestion is to record a screencast of your slides, and the audio, as you give the talk. That's a nice half-way house between the "live" feeling, but with better graphics! (It'll probably give better results than a webcam, and then you don't have to stay stuck in front of your laptop for the talk).
Here you are some tools you can use. Whatever you end up using, we suggest that you do a practice run to get comfortable with the tool first! As the most important thing is the audio quality, if you have an mp3 (or minidisc, or whatever) recorder, why not bring that too to double the chances of a good recording!
Most people recommend recordMyDesktop.
Leo suggested that SilverBack has a 30-day free trial, which will cover YAPC::Europe.
Otherwise, if you are running 10.6+, then QuickTime will do this builtin.
Many people recommend ScreenFlow but any movies you export during the trial period will be watermarked.
Camtasia has a free 30-day trial.
Or you can use the free CamStudio.
Training courses schedule now available
25/07/10 20:11 by peppe
The schedule of our training courses is now online: Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.
Purchase your training course ticket today!
200 committed users!
25/07/10 18:15 by peppe
We're glad to announce that Diego Kuperman is our 200th committed attendee! Thank you, Diego!
Here's a nice line chart showing committed users over time, since April, 15th (the day we sold our first ticket); the red line shows instead people coming to the social dinner. In the last 30 days committed users have doubled! What's going to happen in the next 10 days before YAPC::Europe? ;-)
Training courses status update
24/07/10 09:18 by peppe
Yet another update on our training courses attendance:
- Introducing Modern Perl, by Dave Cross: 9 attendees
- Introduction to Moose, by Dave Rolsky: 7 attendees
- Catalyst 5.80 Master Class, by Matt S. Trout (Shadowcat Systems Ltd.): 3 attendees
- WxPerl in Details, by Herbert Breunung: 3 attendees
- Effective Perl Programming, by brian d foy: 3 attendees
- Perl 6 for Programmers, by Gabor Szabo: 1 attendee
Subscriptions are still open: you can purchase your ticket here.
Pisa maps
24/07/10 08:07 by peppe
Here you are a couple of nice, high resolution Pisa tourist maps: here (A5 paper, PDF) and here (A3 paper, PDF).
Getting to the YAPC::Europe 2010 venue
23/07/10 21:09 by peppe
Hello ladies!
Look at your man. Now back to the organizers. Now back to your man. Now back to the organizers.
Sadly, he isn't us. But if he stops using lady scented transport, and switch to a bus, he could shuttle like he is us.
Look down. Back up. Where are you?
You're on a bus, with the men your man could shuttle like. What’s in your hand, back at us, we have it, it’s an onion with two tickets to that conference you love!
Look again, the buses are now diamonds!
Anything is possible when you man smell like YAPC organizers and not a lady.
We're on a camel.
Shuttle buses
We’ve organized some shuttle buses to and from the conference venue (My One Hotel Galilei): we have 2 × 55-seater buses covering peak periods (morning, evening, and the conference dinner). There will be a huge sign with this logo on the buses' front/rear windows.
The pickup/drop points are marked on this map: you can easily reach the railway station by using the public Pisa bus service (all lines have a stop there).
Shuttle buses Schedule
The bus schedule is:
Thursday and Friday
Other options
If you can't make it to the bus, don't panic! You can still take a taxi to the venue, cost is approx. 5-6 € from the railway station or from the airport, and 10 € from the Tower (taxicab stands are available there).
As a very last resort, there is the public transport bus number 6 to/from Barbaricina every 40 minutes, from the railway station to here and vice versa. The bus stop is named Livornese 28; timetables from the station are available here (it's line 6, not the Green one), to the station here. Note that you have to walk the last 700 metres on a very uncomfortable road (no pedestrian road). We encourage you to take a taxi instead.
Schedule overhauled!
23/07/10 17:35 by peppe
The conference schedule was shuffled a little bit by Our Proud Talk Scheduler. Don't forget to take a look at it, either if you're a speaker or not!
Welcome to YAPC::EU Newbies!
22/07/10 22:51 by peppe
While we're getting ready for YAPC::EU in just a few weeks' time, we wanted to say hello not just to the old friends and familiar faces from previous conferences, but also to the many attendees for whom this will be their first YAPC, or possibly even the first Perl event they've attended!
Though some of you may be coming with colleagues or friends, if you don't know many people here, it can take a while to get into the swing of things, and get the most out of YAPC.
We've got some community leaders from some of the biggest groups present at the conference to say hello at the end of this email. If you're from Italy, UK, Germany, Austria, Spain, or Denmark (or just want to meet hackers from those countries) then please go and say hi to them, and they'll make sure to help you get started meeting people, and sorting out any problems.
Obviously, we'll all do our best to help everyone along. And feel free to mention to the organizers that it's your first YAPC when you're registering!
And don't forget:
- the conference dinner is on the first night of the conference. This is the perfect opportunity to break the ice and make friends!
- Look out for meetings and "BOF" (Birds of a Feather) sessions that interest you! These will be advertised at the opening session, and at the registration desk.
Ciao, e benvenuto a YAPC::Europe! La regola numero uno di YAPC::Europe è: non siate timidi! YAPC::Europe è un ottimo modo per conoscere gente nuova, allargare i propri orizzonti culturali, imparare i mille e uno trucchi delle regex e metter su quattro chili!
Durante la conferenza potete rivolgervi a uno qualunque degli organizzatori, quelli con la maglietta rossa, parlano tutti italiano e sapranno darvi qualche informazione e presentarvi a un po' di gente.
Qualche nome del nostro staff al quale potete fare riferimento:
- Michele Beltrame (arthas)
- Aldo Calpini (dada)
- Hakim Cassimally (osfameron)
- Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar)
- Giuseppe D'Angelo (peppe)
- Marco Masetti (grubert)
- Flavio Poletti (polettix)
Buon divertimento!
Hi there. As leader of I'll be very visible in orange and with a stuffed camel. Come talk to me and I'll introduce you to what's going on and help you to make the most of YAPC.
And don't forget the social meeting on Thursday!
Wenn du Kontakt zu anderen Perl-Programmierern suchst, sprich doch einfach einen deutschen Perl Monger an! Viele von uns sind in Pisa, und gerne bereit, dich anderen Leuten vorzustellen, dir weiter zu helfen, oder abends mal ein kuehles Getraenk zusammen zu vernichten. Wende dich an
- Steffen Schwigon, Dresden Perl Mongers,;
- Moritz Lenz,, irc:// nickname 'moritz', (wird zumindest zeitweise mit einem knallbunten T-Shirt mit einem Schmetterling drauf herumlaufen)
Zum ersten Mal auf einer YAPC? Viele der Teilnehmer bisher nur virtuell getroffen? Auch bei dieser YAPC::EU sind einige Perl Mongers aus Österreich dabei, die “newbies” gerne zur Seite stehen, auch wenn es z.B. nur darum geht, gemeinsam einen interessanten Konferenztag abends ausklingen zu lassen. Kontakt: Michael Kröll, irc://
Si es tu primera YAPC, no te preocupes!, puedes contactar con nosotros, estaremos encantados de presentarte al resto de mongers y ayudarte en todo lo que necesites.
Si és la teva primera YAPC no pateixis!, pots contactar amb nosaltres, estarem encantats de presentar-te a la resta de mongers i ajudar-te en tot el que necessitis.
- Diego Kupermans (líder de
- Alex Muntada (líder de
Copenhagen Perl Mongers (CPH.PM) er et netværk af programmører med den ting tilfølles at de alle benytter Perl, i større eller mindre grad. Virker som omdrejningspunkt for en masse forskellige aktiviteter relaterede til programmering og især programmeringssproget Perl. er en del af community som de verdensdækkende Monger grupper udgør.
De aktiviterer som foreningen indtil videre har praktiseret og vil praktisere i fremtiden kan nævnes:
- Månedtlige møder
- Fælles tur til YAPC::Europe (fælles europæisk konference om Perl)
- Hack-a-thon (intensivt programmerings foretagende omkring fælles projekt)
- Årlig Perl Workshop
Derudover benyttes foreningens mailingliste, hjemmeside og IRC kanal flittigt til kommunikation omkring aktiviteter og Perl relaterede emner.
Copenhagen Perl Mongers er en broget flok som benytter foreningen til mange forskellige ting, der er plads til alle og man er kun så aktiv som man selv har lyst til.
Copenhagen Perl Mongers bliver drevet af frivillige for frivillige, og hvad der skal ske i foreningen bestemmes i fælleskab af de aktive medlemmer.
-- jonasbn
F&F tours confirmed — deadline extended
22/07/10 22:46 by peppe
We're glad to announce that the Pisa and the Siena Friends & Family tours are now confirmed. We'll post all the details (schedule, meeting points, etc.) as soon as possible.
If you, a relative or a friend of yours wants to join some of the tours, we've managed to extend the deadline for subscriptions: you can purchase your ticket online till July, 31st!
Pre-conference Meeting
21/07/10 00:25 by peppe
A must for every YAPC, the pre-conference meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 3rd at 7:00pm in the nice Piazza delle Vettovaglie (map here). This is a typical Italian piazza with enough bars and food venues where one can just take a thing and then chat with others while wandering in the small piazza.
Don't miss this Italian-style pre-conference event!
Trip to Florence - update
15/07/10 16:47 by peppe
(Updated Fri, 16 Jul 2010 02:21:22 +0200)
A short update on our one-day trip to Florence scheduled for Saturday, August 7th: we managed to book some tickets for the Uffizi gallery (entrance 15:30), and they sold like hot cakes: as of now we have only 1 (one) ticket left do not have any more tickets!
If you want to join us, buy your ticket on the official website :-)
Crisis strikes YAPC::Europe 2010! ;-)
14/07/10 17:04 by peppe
One year ago, the 8th Newsletter from YAPC::Europe 2009 was reporting:
We currently have 288 confirmed attendees, and the number is still growing.
As of now, we have just 154 confirmed attendees upon 256 registered people. Since we have to finalize the orders for the coffee breaks / lunches / bus transfers / etc., it looks like we would be ordering much more than what's really needed.
Therefore, if you are going to come to YAPC::Europe but you have not registered yourself on the conference website, or you just have not paid for your ticket yet, can you please tell us by filling in this simple survey?
Thank you very much!
Video Recording @ YAPC::Europe
14/07/10 15:09 by peppe
Have a video camera? Interested in helping to preserve the pearls of wisdom and unmissable entertainment of YAPC::EU::2010 for future generations? If so, then we need you!
We're looking for as many people as we can, in order to minimize the strain. So whether you want to record for all 3 days, or just cover a half-day slot, then please get involved.
Just let us know your name, which slots you're likely to cover, and whether you want to take care of editing and uploading the media to etc. yourself. (If you don't, don't worry; we'll make arrangements to get the raw footage from you!). We've set up a page in the Conference Wiki where you can put in all these data.
Any volunteer is of course a volunteer! If you can't make it, or change your mind, that's OK too (though if you can let us know beforehand that'd be appreciated).
The organisers will help with anything they can (make sure that you have a good vantage point to record from, and power sockets etc.); in particular, they can provide you Mini-DV cassettes, so you can just record the talks and give the cassettes back to them; they will take care of everything (dumping, transcoding, uploading, etc.).
Please note that it's OK to have multiple volunteers for a room (redundancy FTW!) but of course, if you are able to cover an unrecorded room then we will be eternally grateful!
Friends & Family program: 2 days left to subscribe!
14/07/10 14:46 by peppe
YAPC::Europe 2010 Friends & Family Program subscriptions will close on Friday July, 16th!
- In order to activate the PISA tour, we need 4 more people.
- In order to activate the SIENA tour, we need 2 more people.
So, please, subscribe today!
P.S.: The "pasta factory" tour, with only one attendee so far, had to be cancelled.
Talks schedule now available
13/07/10 22:10 by peppe
The title says it all. Go for it, and enjoy the nice colors! :-)
Trip to Florence
13/07/10 18:03 by peppe
As we promised you, we're arranging an one-day trip to Florence on Saturday, August 7th (just after the conference).
We've written down some information in the conference wiki. The main attraction for many people will be the Uffizi gallery, scheduled for the early afternoon (starting around 15:00-15:30).
For those of you who are brave enough to wake up early in the morning, we've also put some info about other tourist attractions. We'll then go to lunch in a typical restaurant, and after that visit the Uffizi.
An important advice: we recommend to buy your tickets for the Uffizi gallery well in advance (the sooner the better). We're actually thinking about buying some (15?) in advance, allocating for people who want to come, but we're unsure about how many of you will join us to Florence. If you're really interested, can you please send us an email or tweet @yapceu2010 within 24h? Of course, you can always buy tickets on your own :-)
Training courses status update
12/07/10 19:21 by peppe
Another week, another update on our training courses attendance:
- Introducing Modern Perl, by Dave Cross: 6 attendees
- Introduction to Moose, by Dave Rolsky: 7 attendees
- Catalyst 5.80 Master Class, by Matt S. Trout (Shadowcat Systems Ltd.): 1 attendee (2 more are coming...)
- WxPerl in Details, by Herbert Breunung: 2 attendees
- Effective Perl Programming, by brian d foy: 3 attendees
- Perl 6 for Programmers, by Gabor Szabo: 1 attendee
As you can see, we still have lots of room for any course. :-)
You can purchase your ticket here.
Send-a-Newbie program
10/07/10 18:05 by peppe
Every year the Send-a-Newbie program helps people to attend YAPCs. The program is aimed to those who have never been to a YAPC before, are unable to do so by their own means and are somehow involved in the Perl community.
We're glad to announce that even this year some people are going to benefit from the Send-a-Newbie program. :-)
We'll announce their names soon; in the meanwhile, please consider donating to the Send-a-Newbie program, thus encouraging new participation at conferences!
Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner
09/07/10 18:55 by peppe
In our last post about the dinner we've figured out that we forgot the most important thing: when is the dinner going to take place???
Therefore, here we go: the dinner is scheduled on August, 4th 2010. Yes, it's at the end of the very first day of YAPC::Europe. We believe that placing social events as early as possible will help people "break the ice" with other attendees, thus allowing them to enjoy the subsequent days even more.
We'll publish more news about the dinner soon. In the meanwhile, we have to ask you a little favour: since Act doesn't manage your dietary habits, could you please fill in this simple survey? This will greatly help us in organizing the dinner.
Thank you very much!
Update to add (Sat, 17 Jul 2010 19:09:09 +0200): the survey is now closed. Thank you for your answers :-)
Friends & Family Program: status update
09/07/10 13:02 by peppe
Some updates on our Friends & Family Program:
- Pisa - August 4th: 2 participants
- Siena and San Gimignano - August 5th: 5 participants
- Pasta factory - August 6th: 1 participant
Places are still available for all the activities. You can book your tickets on the ticket purchase page.
Internet Connection @ YAPC::EU 2010
08/07/10 16:29 by peppe
A good, fast and reliable Internet connection is a must at every IT conference. We've just signed the contract with our technical partner, which will provide a solid 30Mbit/s downlink/uplink (15Mbps/s MCR) Wi-Fi connection during YAPC::Europe! We think it's enough to allow everyone to surf the web, check email, tweet, ssh and so on.
As every good tale, this one has some drawbacks as well. The main issue we have as of now is that we require you to have a working mobile phone, at least capable of receiving SMS from Italy.
This is the plan:
- in your attendee bag you'll find a scratchcard with a secret code;
- you submit both the code and your mobile number through our Captive Portal;
- you receive an SMS with a username/password pair;
- you submit these data through our Captive Portal. Done!
If you won't have a working mobile phone, mail us and we'll arrange a plan B. Of course we're going to put all these information in every Attendee's Guide ;-)
Long explanation: a completely idiotic — dura lex sed lex — Italian law requires that every person using Internet from Italy must be identifiable by the authorities. By sending an SMS to you, we can match you and the login credentials you used to unlock your Internet access, and that's it. Checking that you are who you claim to be by using identity papers doesn't scale up to 300+ people :)
Additional Dinner Tickets now available!
07/07/10 17:01 by peppe
Do you want to bring friends and relatives to the YAPC Attendees Dinner? We're glad to announce that now you can! Just go to the purchase page and buy additional tickets for the dinner.
Please notice that a dinner ticket is already included in your conference ticket; therefore you don't need to buy one for yourself, only for other people you want to bring. Moreover, (non-lightning talk) speakers already have their conference ticket fee waived.
Update to add: we obviously forgot to tell you when the dinner is: on August, 4th. :-)
Training courses status update
06/07/10 14:21 by peppe
It's time for a little update on our training courses attendance:
- Introducing Modern Perl, by Dave Cross: 3 attendees
- Introduction to Moose, by Dave Rolsky: 5 attendees
- Catalyst 5.80 Master Class, by Matt S. Trout (Shadowcat Systems Ltd.): 1 attendee
- WxPerl in Details, by Herbert Breunung: 2 attendees
- Effective Perl Programming, by brian d foy: 3 attendees
- Perl 6 for Programmers, by Gabor Szabo: 1 attendee
As you can see, we still have lots of room for any course. :-)
You can purchase your ticket here.
Sad announcement
06/07/10 12:45 by peppe
We regret to announce that Damian Conway will not be able to attend YAPC::Europe 2010 due to a death in his family. The Organizers would like to express our deepest condolences to him.
This also means that his keynote, talks and training courses are canceled. We're contacting everyone who was already subscribed to his courses to settle their refunds, and the set of accepted talks will certainly be changed.
Our thoughts are with Damian in these sorrowful moments.
Newsletter #05 2010/06/28 - OH MAH, WE HAS TALKZ!
28/06/10 18:55 by peppe
Welcome to the fifth YAPC::EU::2010 newsletter!
In this issue:- Accepted Talks
- Training Courses
- Friends & Family Program
- Stats
- New Sponsors
Accepted Talks
We've published the list of the accepted talks! We congratulate all speakers on submitting so many high-quality proposals; we had a hard time choosing the best ones. You can find the complete list here:
Due to last-minute issues, the list already changed a couple of times since it went online :-)
We'll publish the complete schedule as soon as possible; in the meanwhile, you can help us by adding yourself to all the talks you would like to attend. Just log in, go on each talk's page, and click on the small star at the bottom. This will greatly assist us in making a good schedule.
Training courses
We're glad to announce a brand new training course: "Perl 6 for Programmers", by Gabor Szabo, on August 7th.
While Perl 6 might not be officially "released" yet, in this hands-on class you will learn enough of the new language to feel sorry every time you need to code in any other language.
You will go through the basics very quickly and then look at all kinds of constructs that make life much easier than in Perl 5.
Apply today, and improve your Perl knowledge at a reasonable price! Places are still available for all courses.
These are the courses we're going to have:
- Understanding Regular Expressions, by Damian Conway
- Introducing Modern Perl, by Dave Cross
- Presentation Aikido, by Damian Conway
- Introduction to Moose, by Dave Rolsky
- Catalyst 5.80 Master Class, by Matt S. Trout (Shadowcat Systems Ltd.)
- WxPerl in Details, by Herbert Breunung
- Effective Perl Programming, by brian d foy
- Perl 6 for Programmers, by Gabor Szabo
Friends & Family
Subscriptions to the F&F program are still open!
Do you want to bring a friend or a relative with you and you think he/she might not like as many as three, I repeat, three Perlish days? The F&F program is exactly what you need! We're organizing the following activities:
- Pisa - August 4th (full day, 50 € / person)
- Siena and San Gimignano - August 5th (full day, 122 € / person)
- Visit to a pasta factory - August 6th (half day, 71 € / person)
Moreover, children under 16 years old get a special 10 € discount!
You can find all the details on the F&F page:
Stats (YMMV)
- 37 days till YAPC::Europe 2010
- 217 registered people
- 107 committed users
- 57 speakers
- 65 accepted talks (39 hours and 20 minutes)
- 13 accepted lightning talks
New Sponsors
After, YAPC::Europe::2009, cPanel, Shadowcat Systems Ltd., 123people, YAPC::Europe Foundation, Smart Open Software, Github, Italpro, Geoesse, $foo Perl Magazin, Lokku, Apress and No Starch Press, please welcome our Brand New Silver Sponsor:
- pair Networks (, a global Web hosting and domain name registration company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, hosts over 190,000 Web sites for businesses, bloggers, artists, musicians, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations from around the world. pair Networks first went online in January 1996 and has experienced strong growth year after year. pair Networks is well-managed, consistently profitable, and one of the world leaders in its industry. A long-term approach to decision-making and a continual reinvestment of pair Networks' profits assures that pair Networks will be here for many years to come.
We also have two new Supporters:
- O'Reilly Media ( spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazine, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly has been a chronicler and catalyst of leading-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really master and spurring their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.
- NET-A-PORTER.COM ( is the World's premier online luxury fashion retailer. Our award-winning website, presented in the style of a fashion magazine, offers the international style-savvy customer exactly what she wants - unprecedented access to the hottest looks of the season from the world's cutting-edge labels via worldwide express delivery.
Newsletter #04 2010/05/28 - We meet again, Dr. Jones!
28/05/10 00:24 by peppe
Welcome to the fourth YAPC::EU::2010 newsletter!
In this issue:- Friends & Family Program
- Accommodation
- New Sponsors
- Stats
- Bits and Bolts
Friends & Family Program
Relatives and friends who come with you to Pisa most likely won't be happy to spend 3 days at the conference, nor to wander around Pisa on their lonesome. :-)
The Friends & Family Program is a great way to allow people travelling with you to visit Pisa and surroundings while you are at the YAPC.
We are organizing the following activities:
- Pisa - August 4th (full day, 50 € / person)
- Siena and San Gimignano - August 5th (full day, 122 € / person)
- Visit to a pasta factory - August 6th (half day, 71 € / person)
If you book before May 30th, you get a special offer: a 10 EUR early bird discount! Moreover, children under 16 always get the early bird price. You can find all the activity details here:
We put several new accommodation options on our accommodation webpage, check them out: They're also available on our Pisa map:
An important note for those willing to stay at the My One Hotel (yes, it's possible to sleep at the venue! :-)): rooms for YAPC attendees are still available, but you have to contact the hotel directly by email or phone (that is, *don't* use the website, since you won't find available rooms there). All contact details are on our accommodation page:
Shuttle buses will be provided from and to the venue for those staying in Pisa. Stay tuned for more info.
New Sponsors
After, YAPC::Europe::2009, cPanel, Shadowcat Systems Ltd., YAPC::Europe Foundation, Smart Open Software, Italpro and Geoesse, we're glad to announce several new sponsors joined us!
Please welcome, as a brand new Gold sponsor:
- 123people 123people Aims to Help You
Manage Your Ever-Expanding Online Footprint.
123people is a real time people search service that looks into nearly every corner of the Web. Using our proprietary search algorithm, you can find comprehensive and centralised name related information consisting of images, videos, phone numbers, email addresses, social networking and Wikipedia profiles plus much more.
All of this rich media content is pulled from an extensive list of international and regional relevant sources in over 11 countries in multiple languages.
The 123people application is all Perl - built on Catalyst, DBIx::Class and plenty of magic.
We have many new Supporter sponsors!
- GitHub GitHub is a web-based hosting service for projects that use the Git version control system. Launched slightly over two years ago, GitHub now has over 241,000 coders with more than 785,000 repositories and according to the 2009 Git User's Survey is the most popular Git hosting site.
- Lokku The proud owner of Nestoria property search engine: launched in 2006, has since expanded to 4 more countries - Spain, Italy, Germany, and (most recently) Australia.
- Apress Apress is a proud supporter of user group education and provides expert content to IT processionals, programmers and enthusiasts. We are committed to offering solutions for everyday problems and providing comprehensive coverage of topics that support your career development.
- No Starch Press No Starch Press publishes the finest in geek entertainment, with a focus on open source/Linux, security, hacking, programming, and alternative operating systems.
We thank Regione Toscana and Comune di Pisa for supporting us with their patronage, proving once again their interest and commitment to spreading Free Software.
As of today, we have:- 68 days before YAPC::Europe 2010 (YMMV);
- 157 registered people;
- 23 committed users;
- 36 submitted talks, for an overall duration of 23 hours and 40 minutes (target is 54 hours).
Bits and bolts
Some useful reminders:- Call for Papers deadline is approaching! It closes on June 15th, so hurry up and submit your talk!
- Do you want to improve your Perl knowledge at a reasonable price? We're organizing many training courses held by Perl experts, give them a look:
Newsletter #03 2010/04/16 - Here we go
16/04/10 16:35 by peppe
Welcome to the third YAPC::EU::2010 newsletter!
In this issue:
- Tickets
- Guests
- Training Courses
- F&F Program Survey
- Trip to Florence
- New Sponsors
- Bits and Bolts
After many sleepless nights of intense pondering, we're glad to announce that subscriptions are now open! Wheee! \o/
The conference ticket prices are:
- Regular fee: 100 EUR
- Student fee (for full-time students): 40 EUR
- Corporate fee (invoice available): 250 EUR
All prices include Italian VAT (20%).
As in previous years, speakers (lightning-talk speakers not included) will not have to pay for their ticket, so, if you submitted (or are going to submit) a talk, wait until we announce the accepted talks! :-)
Moreover, the subscriptions for training courses are now open as well! See below for more details about these classes.
You can purchase your conference / training course ticket here: . Additional tickets for the Conference Dinner (sponsored by will be available shortly.
Any self-respecting conference has its invited guests. Do you think YAPCs aren't any better? Here you are ours!
- Damian Conway
A well-known member of the international Perl community, Damian is a member of the technical committee for The Perl Conference, a keynote speaker at many Open Source conferences, and author of the books "Object Oriented Perl" and "Perl Best Practices". Most of his time is currently spent working with Larry Wall on the design of the new Perl 6 programming language and producing explanatory documents exploring Larry's design decisions.
- Allison Randal
She is the chief architect of the Parrot virtual machine, a member of the board of directors for The Perl Foundation, and the Chairman of the Parrot Foundation.
- Dave Rolsky
A Perl developer since 1999, Dave has created or contributed to dozens of CPAN modules. He is a member of the Moose core development team, and in early 2009 completed a TPF grant to substantially rewrite and expand the Moose documentation. He is also the co-author of "Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason and RT Essentials".
- Larry Wall
A good fiddle player... Well, frankly, do we really need to introduce Larry Wall?
Training Courses
As it happened in several YAPC::Europe editions, this year too we're going to host training courses before and after the conference itself. The courses will be run by world class Perl experts, and require a fee to be attended.
Courses are scheduled for August 2, 3 and 7, and are the perfect occasion to improve your Perl knowledge at a reasonable price.
These are the courses we are going to run:
- Understanding Regular Expressions, by Damian Conway
- Introducing Modern Perl, by Dave Cross
- Presentation Aikido, by Damian Conway
- Introduction to Moose, by Dave Rolsky
- Catalyst 5.80 Master Class, by Matt S. Trout (Shadowcat Systems Ltd.)
- WxPerl in Details, by Herbert Breunung
- Effective Perl Programming, by brian d foy
You can find more information on the training courses page
Family & Friends Program Survey
We're organizing the Friends & Family program, that is to say some activities for anyone who doesn't want to stay at the conference for three days.
Since we have several options available, be the one who decides by answering the simple survey available here:
Trip to Florence
On Saturday, August 7th (just after the conference), we're arranging a daily trip to Florence -- that's why we didn't include Florence as an option in the F&F program survey. Stay tuned for more info!
New Sponsors
A new Platinum sponsor joined us:
-, that was so generous to fully sponsor the Conference
Dinner! B.V., part of (Nasdaq:PCLN), owns and operates (TM), one of the world's leading online hotel reservations agencies by room nights sold, attracting over 30 million unique visitors each month via the Internet from both leisure and business markets worldwide.
Established in 1996, B.V. guarantees the best prices for any type of property, ranging from small independent hotels to a five star luxury through The website is available in 31 languages and offers over 78000 hotels in 76 countries.
We have also a new Silver sponsor:
- Smart Open Software Srl (SOS), a small software firm located in Rome, Italy. SOS is committed to building the best software products possible (mainly web-based), using solely open standards and technologies. SOS' flagship product is an innovative web-based data-mining and DSS software, mainly targeted at the health-care and the banking sectors. SOS has been in business since 2003.
Last but not least, here's a new Supporter sponsor:
- $foo Perl Magazin, the first german Perl magazine; published every February, May, August and November (PDF and printed).
Bits and Bolts
We're (slowly) populating our brand new conference website. As you might have noticed, a new "Pisa" menu entry appeared, with useful information about reaching Pisa, moving around, accommodation and so on. Keep an eye on it!
You can do your part as well: being an hotel conference centre, the venue does not close after the conference. It's actually available up to 11pm (!!!), so it's an ideal choice for hackatons and BOF, which are always one of the most interesting parts of a YAPC. Write down your ideas on the conference wiki!
The conference wiki is writable by any registered user. Don't be shy, use it!
Newsletter #02 2010/03/05 - Call For Anything
05/03/10 13:40 by peppe
Welcome to the second YAPC::EU::2010 newsletter!
In this issue:
- The catchy website is here
- Call for Sponsors
- Call for Training Courses
- Call for Papers
- Bits and Bolts
- ...and the ticket price?
The catchy website is here
If you point your browser to you will find out what our restless designers & web experts have been up to in the last few sleepless nights.
That's right, we have a nice layout, a shiny onion-themed logo, and content! Lots of content!
Please join us in expressing your gratitude to Micaela++, oha++ and viking-3++ for the good job. We hope you like the site as much as we do.
Call for Sponsors
The Call for Sponsors is out. If you're keen to support us, now you can. ;-)
Please have a look at the Call ( ) for details on sponsorship tiers and on what expenses we need to cover.
Call for Training Courses
As has happened in past YAPC editions, we’re planning to have one or more days devoted to training courses run by Perl experts. Our goal is to offer the Perl community a wide selection of tutorials and high quality courses.
If you want/need to offset your travel expenses or raise some money or just have fun teaching Perl, you are welcome to apply to hold one of these trainings.
For more information, see the Call:
Call for Papers
Call for Papers is now open, and will close on June 15th, 2010.
This year's theme for the YAPC::Europe is "The Renaissance of Perl", which has a variety of meanings in the Perl 5 and Perl 6 contexts. Talks related to this topic are welcome, as well as talks covering different areas.
Accepted talks (except lightning talks) will give you free entrance to the conference and free attendees dinner, so please do submit a proposal!
Bits and Bolts
A new Platinum sponsor joined us this week:
- cPanel ( ). cPanel is the industry leader for turning standalone servers into a fully automated point-and-click hosting platform. Tedious tasks are replaced by web interfaces and API-based calls.
We also have two new Supporters:
- Geoesse - - Topographic measurements
- Italpro - - Development of web applications
...and the ticket price?
We had the ticket price written in a secret letter to be opened before sending this newsletter, but then... the letter went into the fire we lit to fight against this cold European winter.
Seriously, we need some more time to fix the price. ;-)
Newsletter #01 2010/01/25 - The when, the where, the who and some thank you!
25/01/10 15:27 by Enrico Sorcinelli (bepi)
Greetings, and welcome to the very first YAPC::EU::2010 newsletter!
In this issue:
- Conference theme
- Conference dates
- Venue
- Tickets and availability
- Sponsors
- Contacts
So let's get started
Conference theme: The Renaissance of Perl
The conference theme is the Renaissance of Perl. This topic pays homage to Italy's role as the cradle of the Renaissance, and acknowledges how Perl is being constantly developed with, for example, the parallel initiatives of Perl 6, and the Modern Perl 5 movement.
(Note: we know that these days it's the Perl Enlightenment, and that Perl Renaissance was around 2001-2004, but we're in Italy, not in France :) )
Conference dates
We are now able to confirm the tentative dates published on Twitter some time ago:
YAPC::EU::2010 will be held from 4 to 6 August 2010.
We expect sunny and warm Summer days, so don't forget to bring your solar protection!
Conference venue
Our primary venue turned out to be a no-go... but that's OK, because we had a Plan B! Our secondary venue turned out to be a no-go as well... but even this is OK, because we had a Plan C!
The conference will be held in:
My One Hotel Pisa Conference Centre (Rough map)
This venue also has 4-star hotel rooms at a reasonable price, many of which are reserved for the conference. It's therefore possible to sleep there, which - besides making the venue only an elevator ride away - is an ideal choice for after-conference BOF, hackatons, etc. On the other hand, the place is a bit outside downtown and uneasy to reach via public transport, so if your idea is visit Pisa and/or have some late-night fun you might want to choose a place to sleep closer to downtown.
Shuttles will be provided, running from downtown Pisa, for the conference. Hotel shuttles are available from the (nearby) airport.
Tickets and availability
This venue should be able to hold 400+ people, so there's no attendance limit at present time. Registration will be open on Act, as usual, as soon as we have a catchy website layout.
Ticket price will be announced in the next newsletter.
We have already had a great deal of fantastic initial support from some lovely people:
- Shadowcat Systems UK, agreed to support us even before our bid was accepted!
- YEF themselves have offered a "kickstart donation" to help with early-stage costs
- And the almost unfeasibly lovely hosts of YAPC::EU::2009 in Lisbon have also given a kickstart donation!
We'll be placing an official call for sponsors very soon, but if you can't wait for our next newsletter, please get in touch, and we'll be delighted to discuss!
E-mail: yapc-info [at]