HÖ! HÖ! HÖ! Another free ticket!
28/07/10 14:51 by peppe
Update to add (Fri, 30 Jul 2010 01:00:09 +0200): we have a winner! Stay tuned for more info. :-)
Update to add (Thu, 29 Jul 2010 11:11:56 +0200): nobody has submitted the right answers yet. Try harder, and beware: tricky questions! ;-)
Looks like our little quizgame was as much fun for the participants as it was for the sponsors :-)
So Shadowcat Systems Ltd decided to join the fun and offers another free ticket for the conference attendance. Thank you very much, Shadowcat!

Some of you found the first quiz a bit on the easy side though... so this time we're going to make you sweat a little more for the prize!
The rules are the same: the first person (who hasn't already bought his/her ticket) who sends a mail to with the correct answers to all the questions will get free attendance to YAPC::Europe.
The questions are themed around bridges.
- Which architect and painter created a hidden walkway that runs across a bridge over Tuscany's greatest river?
- What word did Audrey Tang coin for people who program in both Haskell and Perl?
- In which famous European city can you visit the bridge depicted on the back of a 50€ banknote?
Happy quiz!