YAPC::EU::2010 media roundup
09/08/10 09:49 by Michele Beltrame (arthas)
Just because YAPC::EU::2010 finished on August 6th, doesn't mean that the work (or the fun!) is over. Oh no... now we'd like your help to make sure that as many people inside and outside the Perl community know just how much of a good time we had.
The "official" tag for tweets/photos/slides or any other taggable content is yapceu2010
- Please upload your images to Flickr
- Don't forget to tag your tweets
- Why not post links to your blog post, photos, slides too?
Uploaded Slides
Please let us know where you've uploaded your slides (as .pdf, .ppt, .html are best, but all formats welcome)!
- Update your talk on the conference website!
- Link on twitter (tagged #yapceu2010)
- Update the Uploaded Slides wikipage
- If you upload to Slideshare then please add your slides to the yapceurope-2010 event!
Press and Blogs
- If you've written a blog post, please update the Press and Blogs wikipage
- If you see someone else's blog post that isn't on the wiki, you can help us by updating with that too ;-)
Don't forget the Survey!
For all the above, we're obviously hoping to get nice, positive feedback, not just because we will cry if you didn't like it, but also because we'd like the outside world to see the good parts especially ;-)
That said, we need all the feedback we can get, to know how we could do things better, and so does next year's YAPC::EU::2011. So please fill in the survey that Barbie++ has already sent you! (If you attended, and didn't receive a link to the survey, then please contact the organizers or get in touch with Barbie.