Guess the Name, Win a Free Ticket!
28/07/10 11:29 by peppe
Update to add (Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:58:27 +0200): Nicholas Clark won the free ticket, by sending us the right answer (which, by the way, was Jon Orwant). Thanks, everyone, for participating!
Haven't bought your YAPC::EU ticket yet? Then rejoice, because Oracle/MySQL is donating a free ticket to attend the conference. You read it right, that's a prize worth €100! Thank you, Oracle/MySQL!

To win your free ticket, however, you have to take part in a small quiz game. We love quiz games, don't we? :-)
So, here's the deal: the first person (who hasn't already bought his/her ticket) who sends a mail to with the correct answer to the following question will benefit free attendance to YAPC::EU.
... and the question is:
Back in the 16th century, the famous Pisan scientist Galileo Galilei discovered that if he dropped a coffee mug and a 55-pound weight from the Leaning Tower, they would fall at exactly the same speed.
But... who threw the infamous mug at the wall that sparked the birth of Perl6?
Be the first to send the correct answer and WIN A PRIZE!