Eating @ YAPC::Europe (feat. Social Dinner)
29/07/10 20:41 by peppe
Social Dinner
The YAPC::Europe Attendees Dinner is going to be held on Wednesday at the Duomo Restaurant, Via Roma, 70 (map here, 2 minutes walking distance from the Leaning Tower), starting from 19:30 - 20:00. If you've already bought a ticket for the conference, or you're a speaker or a sponsor, then you don't need to buy a ticket for the dinner.
If a friend or a relative of yours wants to join you at the dinner, you can purchase an additional ticket for them here.
Please remember to bring your badge with you, as well as the badges for the people you bought an additional dinner ticket for (you will receive the badges at the registration booth): the restaurant staff has instructions to not allow anyone without his badge in. ;-) [*]
The YAPC::Europe organizers will be providing shuttle buses connecting the venue (My One Hotel Galilei) and the restaurant: see here for all the details.
[*] We're serious.
Many people asked us where they can eat lunch. We're glad to announce that the organizers will be offering free lunches to all the attendees, right at the venue!
Coffee breaks
The organizers will be providing legendary, free coffee breaks twice a day. We don't think that after a legendary coffee break you will ever need something else, but just in case, a nice bar is available at the venue during the conference. :-)