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YAPC::EU 2010 - The Renaissance of Perl




Video Recording @ YAPC::Europe

14/07/10 15:09 by peppe

Have a video camera? Interested in helping to preserve the pearls of wisdom and unmissable entertainment of YAPC::EU::2010 for future generations? If so, then we need you!

We're looking for as many people as we can, in order to minimize the strain. So whether you want to record for all 3 days, or just cover a half-day slot, then please get involved.

Just let us know your name, which slots you're likely to cover, and whether you want to take care of editing and uploading the media to yapc.tv etc. yourself. (If you don't, don't worry; we'll make arrangements to get the raw footage from you!). We've set up a page in the Conference Wiki where you can put in all these data.

Any volunteer is of course a volunteer! If you can't make it, or change your mind, that's OK too (though if you can let us know beforehand that'd be appreciated).

The organisers will help with anything they can (make sure that you have a good vantage point to record from, and power sockets etc.); in particular, they can provide you Mini-DV cassettes, so you can just record the talks and give the cassettes back to them; they will take care of everything (dumping, transcoding, uploading, etc.).

Please note that it's OK to have multiple volunteers for a room (redundancy FTW!) but of course, if you are able to cover an unrecorded room then we will be eternally grateful!

Our sponsors


  • Booking.Com
  • YAPC::Europe 2009
  • cPanel


  • Shadowcat
  • 123 people
  • Venda
  • Dada


  • YAPC::Europe Foundation
  • Smart Open Software
  • MySQL
  • Exonetric
  • pair Networks


  • GitHub
  • Italpro
  • Geoesse
  • $foo Perl Magazin
  • Lokku
  • Apress
  • No Starch Press
  • O'Reilly Media

Media Partners

  • Linux Magazine


  • Regione Toscana
  • Comune di Pisa