Introduction to Dancer

Introduction to Dancer

By Damien Krotkine (‎dams‎) from
Date: Friday, 9 September 2011 10:40
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: dancer framework mvc perl web

Dancer is an effortless and effective micro-framework for writing web applications. It has become very popular among the Perl community and gathers more and more users everyday. Its rising community is vibrant, friendly and open-minded.

This presentation will explain how Dancer came into life, what it is about and how one can start using it for production-ready applications. The talk will go over a brief history of the project, its main principles and will end with a collection of interesting plugins.

Enter Curses::Toolkit, the new modern toolkit to write old-school terminal based GUIs ! It's not 100% complete, but provides a lot of features you'll find nowhere else, like GTK-like boxing and packing, mouse support, asynchronous animation, and event driven programing. Oh and it's full of fun, as this talk will be, hopefully.

Attended by: Mario Rossano (‎Anak‎), simotrone, Emanuele Zeppieri (‎emazep‎), Guido Brugnara (‎gdo‎), Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎), Michele Beltrame (‎arthas‎), Gabriele Hack (‎gabimuc‎), Marco d'Itri (‎Md‎), Ulrico G, GAELLE DOLINE TCHEUNOU NKAMENI, Damien Krotkine (‎dams‎), Lorenzo Lobba, Andrea Falco (‎fox91‎),

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