Git 101 Tutorial
Git 101 Tutorial
By Scott Chacon
Date: Wednesday, 4 August 2010 14:30
Duration: 120 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: git scm vcs
In this tutorial you will learn how to use Git from the ground up. We will start at the beginning, what Git is and why it’s different than Subversion or Perforce or any tool you’re using now.
We will teach basic Git workflows, how to use branches and why they will change your development life, how to setup and work with remote repositories, how to use Git to collaborate with others non-linearly, how to maintain a project by picking commits and merging branches, and how to contribute to a project by creating patches, squashing and splitting commits and creating and pushing topic branches.
By the end of the tutorial, you should be able to use Git effectively as a developer, and have a solid understanding of why and how it works.
Attended by: Job van Achterberg (jkva), Markus Pinkert (Bedivere), menozero, Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (casiano), Karl Rune Nilsen (krunen), Alan Haggai Alavi (alanhaggai), Thomas Netousek, Damian Conway (damian), Oliver Thieke (o-thieke), Lukasz Warian, Tina Müller (tinita), Scott Chacon, Bruno Martins, Patrick Michaud (Pm), lorenzo, Diego Kuperman (diegok), Michal Gawlik, Nigel Metheringham (nigelm), Tim Bunce, Roman Baumer (rba), Lech Baczyński (lechu), Jan Henning Thorsen (batman), Mark Morgan, Michael Lang (langmic), Rafiq Gemmail (Raf), Bernhard Schmalhofer (bernhard), J. Nick Koston (bdraco), Alba Ferrer (alba), valerio crini, Aaron Crane (arc), Bogdan Lucaciu (zamolxes), Lars Holgaard, Anton Berezin (Grrrr), Adeola Awoyemi (dialog), Michele Valzelli, Leon Brocard (acme), Aristotle, Marco Fontani (mfontani), Alex Muntada (alexm), José Castro (cog),