Webautomation with WWW::Mechanize ::Firefox
Webautomation with WWW::Mechanize ::Firefox
By Max Maischein (Corion) from Frankfurt.pm
Date: Thursday, 5 August 2010 10:00
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: automation javascript www::mechanize
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
This talk presents the features of WWW::Mechanize::Firefox. I compare different approaches of automating access to websites that need Javascript. A short look is taken at the communication between Firefox and Perl, and also at how access elements of a website and how to interact with the user through Firefox.
Attended by: Anders Nielsen (anielsen), Smylers, Clinton Gormley (DrTech), Mario Rossano (Anak), Thomas Netousek, Alan Haggai Alavi (alanhaggai), Aaron Crane (arc), Oliver Thieke (o-thieke), Martin Berends (mberends), Lukasz Warian, Thomas Heine, Henrik Hald Nørgaard, Leon Brocard (acme), Barbie, lorenzo, Søren Lund (slu), Marco Fontani (mfontani), Shmuel Fomberg, Francesco Rivetti (oha), Michal Gawlik, Damon Davison (allolex), Fernando Santagata, Gabor Szabo (szabgab), simotrone, Joerg Meltzer (codeacrobat), Markus Wichmann (telemorphix), Marco Masetti (grubert), Giel Goudsmit, Giacomo Gaddini, valerio crini, Poul Sørensen (poul), Peter Stoehr, Chisel Wright, Michael Kröll (pepl), Alex Muntada (alexm), Gabriele Hack (gabimuc), Lars Holgaard, Michele Valzelli, Lech Baczyński (lechu), Imre Saling (pelagic), Max Maischein (Corion),