Graphic visualization - there is a life after GD and GD::Graph
Graphic visualization - there is a life after GD and GD::Graph
By Uwe Voelker (Perl-Uwe) from
Date: Thursday, 5 August 2010 10:30
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Language: English
Tags: chart graph image svg
This is a colorful talk! I show some alternatives to GD and GD::Graph: Chart::Clicker, GraphViz and SVG (with Batik as rasterizer).
I held this talk at the German Perlworkshop this year. This will be an improved and expanded version (incorporated all feedback and questions).
It does not require special Perl knowledge, it is more a showcase of CPAN modules and Perl as glue code. I would rate it as Beginner/Intermediate.
Attended by: Markus Pinkert (Bedivere), Mario Rossano (Anak), Reini Urban (rurban), Thomas Netousek, Lars Thegler (tagg), David Faux, Alan Haggai Alavi (alanhaggai), Barbie, Markus Wichmann (telemorphix), Emanuele Zeppieri (emazep), Lukasz Warian, Thomas Heine, Alberto Simões (ambs), Bruno Martins, Patrick Michaud (Pm), Aldo Calpini (dada), Daniel Brunkhorst, Alexander Hartmaier (abraxxa), Shmuel Fomberg, Francesco Rivetti (oha), Frederico Recsky (Frederico), Damon Davison (allolex), Fernando Santagata, Paul van Eldijk (pavel), Jose Luis Martinez, simotrone, Bernhard Schmalhofer (bernhard), Valerio Paolini (valdez), Karl Moens (CountZero), Sergio Arias, menozero, Michele Valzelli,